Imagine a world where conversations with family members, colleagues, and even strangers felt like safe havens, where vulnerability and creativity could flourish. What if I told you that one way to create such emotionally safe environments is through something as simple as small talk? It may sound surprising, but small talk can indeed plant the seeds for deeper connections.
Johann Oostenbrink2023-10-02T13:31:13+02:00October 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on The Power of Small Talk: Building Deeper Connections
About the Author: Johann Oostenbrink
Hi I’m Johann, and I am passionate about people and human systems. Since 1990 I am a growth agent and an impact player, unlocking potential and encouraging greatness in organisations and leaders. That includes leadership training, strategic alignment, team development, executive coaching, and relationship enrichment. Over at my personal blog Ways2Grow I am musing over these kind of topics.