Our wide variety of assessment tools enables us to provide you with critical and objective information to make the best possible decisions when recruiting, promoting and developing people. Our experienced Psychologists and Psychometrists use scientifically validated Psychometric instruments to provide valuable insights into the potential of individuals and their specific abilities.

At Camino we work with you to reduce costs by offering online assessments and virtual (telephonic or Zoom) feedback.

Assessments include:

Recruitment & Selection Assessment

Assessing job-fitness of prospective candidates for a position in terms of cognitive ability, personality, emotional intelligence, work styles and integrity.

Competency Assessments

Assessing candidates against a required competency profile for the job and establishing a gap-analysis for development purposes.

Leadership Behaviour Assessment

Assessing the individual’s strengths and development needs with regard to the required leadership behaviours.

Assessment of Potential

Assessing development potential for selection and development purposes. The assessments used here can indicate a person’s potential to take on higher levels of responsibilities, being successful when given training and development opportunities, selecting candidates for succession planning or talent management purposes.

Emotional Intelligence Profile (EQ)

Determining an individual’s strengths and development needs with regard to self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.


  • Team Functioning Survey: Profiling of team strengths and team stumbling blocks to facilitate more effective team functioning and role implementation.
  • Climate Survey: Determining the morale and motivation levels of personnel and recommending key interventions to improve working satisfaction.
  • Employee Engagement: Understanding the level of engagement of employees to their work and the company.

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